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Missing Teeth – A Threat to Confidence…and Health

With the loss of one or more teeth, there may be more at stake than just your smile. Missing teeth may not only lower confidence…they may also contribute to other health problems. With so many options for patients with missing teeth, including implants, bridges, partial dentures, there’s no need to opt to just live with the gaps.

There are many reasons patients lose teeth, from accidental injury to periodontal disease or advanced decay that necessitates their removal. Should the patient opt to live with one or more gaps between the remaining teeth, the result can often prove problematic.

Healthy Food Choices for Healthy Smiles

Everyone knows that sugary foods and drinks can cause tooth decay. But there are other types of foods to watch out for, as well as many dietary choices that can improve oral health.

upset senior woman with cancer sitting on bed in hospital

Oral Cancer

Oral Cancer Facts
This year nearly 54,000 people in America will be newly diagnosed with oral cancer — that’s 147 people every day. Yet even though it causes over 9,750 deaths a year—or about one person per
hour—oral cancer awareness in the U.S. remains low.

Although smoking and tobacco use are obvious high risk factors, the fastest growing segment of oral cancer patients is young, healthy and non-smoking. This is due to the rise of HPV virus, a sexually transmitted disease.

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Children's Dentistry, Oral Health

Willow Family Dentistry

Missing Teeth – A Threat to Confidence…and Health

With the loss of one or more teeth, there may be more at stake than just your smile. Missing teeth...

Children's Dentistry, Dental Health, Oral Health

Willow Family Dentistry

Healthy Food Choices for Healthy Smiles

Everyone knows that sugary foods and drinks can cause tooth decay. But there are other types of foods to watch...

Children's Dentistry

Willow Family Dentistry

Children’s Dental Health

All children share certain things in common—a love of pizza, for example. But let’s face it: Your child is unique....